33 CFR Title: Navigation, Parts 125-199 (2016 Ed.)

33 CFR Title: Navigation, Parts 125-199 (2016 Ed.)

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This second volume of 33 CFR contains Parts 125-199 and is regulated by the US Coast Guard.

  • Chapter I
    • Subchapter L: Waterfront Facilities
    • Subchapter M: Marine Pollution Financial Responsibility and Compensation
    • Subchapter N: Outer Continental Shelf Activities
    • Subchapter NN: Deepwater Ports
    • Subchapter O: Pollution
    • Subchapter P: Ports and Waterways Safety
    • Subchapters Q & R: [Reserved]
    • Subchapter S: Boating Safety

Title 33 of the US Code of Federal Regulations (33 CFR) contains all US regulations dealing with Navigation and Navigable Waters. The Title is organized into three volumes, and the regulations it contains are authored by the US Coast Guard, the Army Corps of Engineers, and the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation.

Volume Chapter Parts Regulator
1 I 1-124 US Coast Guard
2 125-199
3 II 200-399 Army Corps of Engineers
IV 400-499 Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation